Salento Real Eje Cafetero Hotel Experiences
Holidays at the Hotel in Quindío
Romantic Night Package
includes: - Decorated with romantic lingerie - Rose petals - Breakfast for room service without time limit - Bottle of wine - Strawberries with chocolate ...
taxes not included.
Airport transfer one way Armenia
Taxi from 1 to 4 passengers 130.000 COP
taxes not included.
Airport transfer one way Pereira
Taxi from 1 to 4 passengers 180.000 COP
taxes not included.
Oferta Larga Estadía
Hospédate 3 o más noches y recibe un 10% de descuento.
From COP288,740
taxes not included.
Oferta entre semana
Descuento especial del 5% para reservas de Lunes a Jueves
From COP288,740
taxes not included.
Compra anticipada
Reserva con 15 días de anticipación y obtén un 8% de descuento.
From COP288,740
taxes not included.